Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 4

Ok, I can do this.. now that I've determined how to fulfill my daily point allowance without eating crap, it's pretty damn easy! I feel like I'm eating all the time now! Literally, I eat about every 3-4 hours or so.. breakfast between 8 and 8:30 (cottage cheese and fruit!), lunch at 11:30, a snack around 3 and then dinner by 6 with another snack or two at 8. Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches are my lifesaver - I LOVE the chocolate ones!!! I grew up with 8pm being "Snack Time" in our family - that's when we were allowed to have some ice cream or cookies, so it's pretty well embossed in my brain that nighttime is snack time and it must be sweet.

Lately, I feel that my stomach is less bloated than it was before, and can't wait until Sunday night's measurements. I just wish I could work out - I've been so tired this week and had class last night, that I come home and just want to veg. Thinking about everything I need to do at work in the next week before the end of the Quarter doesn't help either. Blah.
Oh well. Guess I better get back downstairs for now..

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