Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1

That picture is my motivation right now :)

Ok, so I'm a day in... and I am super excited! Looking back at pictures of when Tony and I got together (they're totally the cover of my binder that I've made to help keep track of everything), I can't wait to look even close to that again. Not to mention the thoughts of A) being able to run around with my daughter and B) being a cute preggo next time.

Last night was our first official weigh-in/measurement time, and let me tell you IT SUCKED! The visual of the numbers I wrote down was enough to make me want to crawl up and die. I can't believe I've gone this far... why didn't one (or all) of you smack me??? ;-)

Well, my starting weight is 219lbs. **shudders**

I am hoping to get back down to the 160(ish) area, so I've got a long road ahead of me. But, my first goal is getting that first number to go back to a 1 where it belongs and will stay FOREVER. My waist was officially TWELVE INCHES larger than it was when Tony and I started dating.. yes, a whole FOOT. Talk about sick. I'd kinda like to get rid of at least 8 of those.

After looking at everything I've eaten today:

Breakfast: 1/2 C 1% Cottage Cheese and 1/2 C Crushed Pineapple

Lunch: Cafe Steamers General Tso's Spicy Chicken and 2 Clementines

Dinner: 4 oz Mahi Mahi, 1 C Greenbeans and 1/2 C Carrots

Dessert: 1 Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich

I haven't even hit 900 Calories!! Not to mention, according to my Calculator, I've only used 17 of my 29 available points! I'm afraid my body's going to go into starvation mode and not lose anything at all... Any ideas???

OK, hear the daughter calling me... guess I better go be Mommy :)


  1. That was my problem too! I had my diet analyzed and I was barely eating 1000 cals.

    Try snacking on some almonds.

  2. Yay for motivation and new beginnings, you can do this! Here are some things to try as time goes on: Add in some more dairy, a glass of milk, yogurt, a string cheese, things like that. The almonds or nuts are a fantastic idea. Include some more fruit, a banana or apple and make it a splurge by using a tablespoon of peanut or almond butter. Increase the amount of protein to 6 oz and add a carb like brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc. Saute your veggies in EVOO to get in your healthy oils.

    Haha, did I overwhelm you yet? You will learn how to add in healthy things and still eat the right amount of points. It is incredibly important to eat all of your points and to get in all of your healthy guidelines such as dairy, fruits/veggies, etc. Whatever you do, don't get into a habit of eating too little points, a lot of my new members/co WW'ers do this. I know it's a bit challenging at first until you learn your way, but you will continue to play with things, find new items, etc. and it will work! Don't be scared of old favorites, just tweak them, budget for them, and enjoy your new life! :)
