Monday, January 10, 2011

1 Week DOWN!

Alright, so last night was the official end of "Week 1" - and a mighty nice ending it was!

After weigh-ins and measurements, I have lost 5.4 pounds and an inch around my waist! YAY! Now, I know that might seem like a lot, but I have a feeling my start weight was 'padded' by some PMS bloat the previous week ;-) Honest, starting a diet the week you're on your period may sound like hell, but it does wonders for your self-esteem at that Week 1 Weigh-In! But I can tell that I've lost a little bit of my belly and that's one of my number 1 gripes post-pregnancy. I ALWAYS had a nice waist - my obsession with crunches may have something to do with that.. but having a jiggly belly now really irks me. Needless to say I did 75 crunches yesterday, and I'm going to do my best to continue that everyday.

Now, onto the NSV's (Non-Scale Victories - as some wise woman once told me) I believe my BIGGEST NSV comes in the form of a 31 Party that I had on Saturday. My hostess had 6 Layer Taco Dip (YUM), French Onion Dip, Blue Crab Spread (YUM), Pepperoni (HEAVEN), Cheese, Chips and Crackers, and Mimosa's. I had NOTHING except a Mimosa - which I only had because it was made with my favorite Champagne - Verdi! Otherwise I sipped on a glass of ice water while everyone else piled their plates high with everything. Oh, and I almost forgot - she also had Mini Chicken Tacos!! But, I controlled myself and didn't even have one of those!

Now, after such a fabulous day, I came home and had some chicken, greenbeans and mashed potatos for dinner.

Yesterday, Sunday, I splurged a little. Because I had saved up some points from the week, when the Lebo's came over and brought lunch, I had a Cheddar Broccoli Soup and Bread Bowl from Panera. That is my weakness.. I LOVE Panera's soup and bread bowl!! But, I had only had a 4 point breakfast - Egg Beater's Omelet with spinach and Weight Watchers Shredded Cheese. And I had some wonderful Pad Thai for dinner that hubby loaded with veggies and chicken :)

I know I've said this before, but I really feel like I am eating all of the time! And I guess in actuality, I am eating every 3 or so hours. But I am finally hitting the 1200 calorie mark - I'm not sure how people hit the 2000 mark everyday - well, I know how they can do it with crappy food, but healthy foods - no way!

Ok, next venture - I got an AMAZING mixer from the in-laws for Christmas, and now I need to find something healthy to make with it! It's a Kitchenaid - which quite honestly, I never dreamed I'd actually own anytime soon, and it's the professional 600 series.. it's HUGE! And so pretty! hahaha.. yes, I really am talking about a mixer being pretty :)

Ok, kids should be coming in soon - have a Marvelous Monday! <3

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you! You are doing fab. and have a great attitude! That party sounds like it was quite the feat, and if you got through that, you can accomplish anything! In that situation it might have been odd to bring something, but say you're going to a friend's house for the Super Bowl or something in the future, always feel free to "volunteer" to bring something. They will think, oh how sweet of her, you will think, hell yes, I can eat as much as I want of this b/c I know it's healthy! Haha. Keep up the awesome work and keep these posts coming!
